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Monday, 2 January 2012

Thomas Gold FRS a founder of Steady State Cosmology - autobiography in press

My most interesting academic project these past two years has been editing an autobiographical memoir of the late Thomas Gold FRS. The resulting book is now in press with Springer, and you can learn more about it here

Publication will mean that scholars and historians of astronomy at last have full (auto)biographies of the three proponents of the Big Bang theory (1948-1964).

Thomas Gold (1920-2004) had a curious mind that liked to solve problems. He was one of the most remarkable astrophysicists in the second half of the twentieth century, and he attracted controversy throughout his career. Based on a full-length autobiography left behind by Thomas Gold, this book was edited by the astrophysicist and historian of science, Simon Mitton (University of Cambridge).

The book is a retrospective on Gold’s remarkable life. He fled from Vienna in 1933, eventually settling in England and completing an engineering degree at Trinity College in Cambridge. During the war, he worked on naval radar research alongside Fred Hoyle and Hermann Bondi – which, in an unlikely chain of events, eventually led to his working with them on steady-state cosmology. In 1968, shortly after their discovery, he provided the explanation of pulsars as rotating neutron stars.

This autobiography is a project of Total Astronomy Ltd

Please leave a comment if you have personal recollections of Tommy Gold

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