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Monday, 26 March 2012

Simon Mitton at NAMA2012 seeks proposals RAS-Springer astronomy book series: monographs advanced texts conferences

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Right now (1952 UTC) the waxing crescent Moon is about to make a lovely right angle triangle with bright Venus and Jupiter. Go enjoy!
UK NAM Total Astronomy seeks astro publishing proposals (professional level) We will be there Contact by email
Uk National Astronomy Meeting kick off tomorrow in Manchester. Largest gathering in Europe apart from IAU GAs. Alert by
Evening sky FABULOUS!! Jupiter Venus Crescent moon with earthshine conjunction Enjoy it tonite or tomorrow. Alert by

Monday, 19 March 2012

Frogs have now cleared off from Cambridge UK pond. Lots of spawn this year - yummy for fish and blackbirds
UK budget 20% VAT books, papers, mags maybe. Alcohol duty on %age ABV rather than by product, as a move to min pricing

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Today 13 March is 233rd anniversary William Herschel discovery of Neptune, event that made his fortune and transformed planetary science
Just got proofs of "Thomas Gold: Taking the Back off the Watch", his personal memoir I edited for publication by RAS-Springer

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Night sky fab tonight Look at Moon + Mars Line between the two right angle to ecliptic. LOOK lunar orbit is inclined at 5 deg to ecliptic!
Spring is sprung. Lots of lively frogs spawning in my Cambridge UK wildlife pond. And we are still eating home grown apples picked in October. WOW!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Great sky tonight: soaring panorama from east to west: Mars, nearly full Moon, Orion, Jupiter, Venus.

Friday, 2 March 2012

By the end of this month I will send to Springer an edited collection on Georges Lemaitre, papers from a conference April 2011 RAS-Series
Just signed contract Cambridge U Press for next book Remarkable Astronomers You do not want me to write about YOU - dead astronomers only!
I just delivered to Princeton U Press image files for my forthcoming book on origin of structure in the universe. That's it "in press" WOW

Writing a popular astronomy book: beware, every equation halves the market

Yes,I amthe publisher's editor who told Stephan Hawking that. It's in the Preface of the earlier editions of a Brief History of Time, but without mentioning me by name. When I saw the draft typescript I noted that there were some two dozen equations. About a year before he showed me the draft I had published The Accidental Universe by Paul Davies. This had disappointing sales and the feedback from Cambridge U Press sales dept was that the equations were intimidating.

Fast forward to now. There is a big news story in the UK that half the population cannot do math. They cannot turn a "25% discount" into pounds and pence, or work out a 15% deposit, or figure out 20% VAT. And calculating how many cans of paint you need to fix up your house is impossible. Nowonder governements canget away with borrowing billions and indeed trillions of pounds / euros / dollars

There is a good introduction to the dire state of numeracy education in the UK at